Tarot Reading

In life, we always know what is good for us, our inner intuition always guides us towards the right decisions. This intuition usually communicates with us as desires, feelings and strong impulses. However, sometimes, due to external influences or in a time of emotional weakness, we are unable to connect with our inner guidance. That is when Tarot Reading could be highly beneficial and a source to cater the intuitive realms. It helps one connect with their inner guidance to provide clarity and direction in life.

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Vedic Counselling

We all need counsel in our life to guide us in the right direction, help make the right decisions, overcome situations and achieve our desired goals. However, sometimes the advice that might work for one person does not necessarily yield results for another. This is where Vedic counselling differs from regular counselling. It provides a unique set of key insights in one’s life specific to each individual based on their Prakriti (your Vedic Nature).

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Astro Guidance

We all come into this world with a purpose. Some of us are lucky enough to find it right away and for others, it takes a little bit of time. All our desires, our wishes, our interests, our dreams and ambitions are all somewhere connected with the purpose of our life. However, we don’t always understand this or even see the connection. Astro guidance provides us with clarity and insights to see the purpose of our life (goals and objectives in our life). When we get misaligned from this purpose, things stop working for us and we seek remedies to fix it. But if we know the direction in which we are suppose to move, that knowledge itself becomes the remedy because you are meant to excel in that direction of life. This is the balance of fate vs free will.

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Bach Flower Therapy

As we go through life, sometimes we are faced with overwhelming emotions. In time we are able to overcome the situations that caused these emotions; however, the emotions stay stuck in the body. These emotions have a habit of popping up every now and then for no reason. Bach flower therapy helps us identify these reasons and slowly transform our inner emotional channels by strengthening them over time.

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Crystal Therapy

We are organic beings of light, and Crystals are crystallized beings of light. We both have consciousness and by that standard, we are alive and so are crystals. Crystals are the purest forms of Angel that exist in our material reality. With crystal therapy we can change the vibrations of our body, of our mind, of our homes and various situations in our lives.

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Vastu Consultation

One of the oldest techniques of subconscious reprogramming that has been practiced from ancient times is known as Vastu Shastra. In Vastu Consultation, unique solutions are provided to the individual’s desires and problems by visiting their homes and recalibrating the energies of their existing setup.

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